Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And Behold The Word And The Word Was Good

Thank you Professor Rafi and Danielle for our meeting today (Monday HST). I appear to be a poor stenographer, I can’t decipher my notes tonight. I will write down what I understood and let Danielle fill in the blanks and include parts I may have missed. Danielle presented our project direction and provided Professor Rafi with our outline. He indicated we were charting a correct course of action. He affirmed that this is strictly an Emarketing plan with no divergence into a business plan. He emphasized process, detail, and measurable individual participation in the group. Our final presentation will be a scripted production: PPT slides with a recorded voice presentation or other media format - turned in. It will not be a live presentation (so we can have multiple takes till we get it right.)

Another key indicated was our proficiency in the ‘doing’ regarding the Emarketing tools available. The so called, “Who, What, Why, Where, When, and How” aspects. We are moving into the creation phase, and Danielle will be delegating specific work to each member. She will also be specifying the work in a unified format. I suppose if one member really felt expertise (need or want) in something assigned to another member, you could decide between yourselves to swap work.
On the website, I indicated better name recognition, and a need for creative design possibly beyond the free website solutions. I have since emailed him about our discussed plan with costs involved, so will wait for his decision before elaborating anything more on what transpired.
Two other things we will discuss further and incorporate into our plan are 5 sense branding and questionnaires or accessible areas to questionnaires.
Danielle and I agreed that in person meetings with team members may prove more valuable than Skype only. When we discover good times for most members, we can Skype in Bevin. For those with difficult schedules, we may have a few ‘couple member’ meets too.
Danielle and I also had the good fortune to meet up with poor famished Alana wolfing down her special (healthy) “shake-a-salad” between classes. I will be catching up with Jared, Brandy, and Shawna, this week and next.
Danielle will go over individual assignments, our agenda before the next meeting, and things I may have missed.
Thanks all!

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