Tuesday, February 15, 2011

MKT400 Website Discussion

I recall, years ago, looking at the Blogger.com site with its blog tools and not being impressed. However, this venture shows it to be much improved with easy, smart looking tools and interfaces. The good aspect that really surprised me is its fast page loading (my Internet connection is less than ideal, so that is a vital site property.)

Is anyone interested in a mock-up (or even real) site here as our web adjunct endeavor? The design tools seem pretty easy for most any avid page designers. If we want it less blogger generic looking, I can recode and offload the content to a website. In the mean time, curious designers can start their own private blog and design away with our concepts, initial content, format/colors, then later we can critique and vote on competing possibilities, or design team members can collaborate.

If this seems like too much or no one is interested, then again, I still have an RFC (Request For Comments) out with only a couple responses so far for meshing design and colors regarding website and PPT slides. If you are a PPT design aficionado, then post a slide pic.

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