Marketing is about building customer relationships—trust, confidence, credibility.
Our e-marketing touch points (web, blog, Facebook, Linkedin) are in some form of development—adding content, working out bugs, adding links (mostly inter-related,) editing content . . . obviously pre-marketing campaign. On the other hand, our Twitter account has jumped out ahead in terms of exposure garnishing 219 outgoing links and 94 incoming links and being the first to show up in multiple search engines last week.
While link building is important, the marketing game is not based upon collecting the most links, it is about building and maintaining trust, confidence, and credibility with the customers and partners. In a real-time environment like Twitter, any company would be very concerned if their tweets were not spot-on or fixed very quickly if they were not. Companies spend years building up trust, confidence, and credibility. No company wants that lost in a matter of seconds on Twitter.
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