Wednesday, April 6, 2011

CafePress Logo Wear

The CafePress logo wear looks great!

Whenever the design team finds time, the logo on the cap and the bumper sticker seems small?

I hope others are jumping in on this to overcome any technical hurdles. Can other colors be used? Do we need different sized logos for different items. I remember looking at this earlier and the small items could use a small sized logo, but the shirt needed a 1600 px and the yellow bag needed a 2000 px.

Just trying to blowup a logo creates the jaggies and fuzzines - if you let me know exactly what sizes (the help in the design area tells you) I can help overcome these design snafus. Do transparent full-color PNGs work or do we need to reduce colors for transparent GIF's? Do they recommend a specific transparent background color (bright purple) or specific CLUT?

Techno ABITs - check out the site, designer templates for different items, and help out B. on this - thanks.

1 comment:

  1. oh my, I'm not quite sure about this...I'll see what I can find.
