Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Web Work

  • Add proposal information to body health and food health pages.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Web Tech

  • Link .com 2 .org
  • Recreate and upload fav ico

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Web Work

  • Fix broken Facebook links
  • Edit 2 pages
Read about Google and Facebook web tools.
  • Went through Google site analysis
  • Fool around with Facebook "like button" coding (not implemented yet)

Live Life Aloha E-Marketing

Marketing is about building customer relationships—trust, confidence, credibility.

Our e-marketing touch points (web, blog, Facebook, Linkedin) are in some form of development—adding content, working out bugs, adding links (mostly inter-related,) editing content . . . obviously pre-marketing campaign. On the other hand, our Twitter account has jumped out ahead in terms of exposure garnishing 219 outgoing links and 94 incoming links and being the first to show up in multiple search engines last week.

While link building is important, the marketing game is not based upon collecting the most links, it is about building and maintaining trust, confidence, and credibility with the customers and partners. In a real-time environment like Twitter, any company would be very concerned if their tweets were not spot-on or fixed very quickly if they were not. Companies spend years building up trust, confidence, and credibility. No company wants that lost in a matter of seconds on Twitter.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

More Web Work

  • Created and added YouTube button and link to every page
  • Added "Food health" and "Food Link" pages
  • Reformatted recipes from group for "Food health" (Brandy/Bevin)
  • Recipes from web were added to "Food Link" page - "Recipes"
  • That was all the information I found from our Feb. 6 material
  • Added information to "Body Health" page
  • Added Information to "Body Links" page

Thanks Bevin for pics and Kauai link information and Oahu "Y" info.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Web Work

  • I roughed in Body Health and Body Links
  • I went back to individual, Feb 6 recipes and exercise routines and located more information.
  • I pretty much copy/pasted what I saw, so it will need to be edited
The examples are there. Feed me content in the same manner - plain text is best.

I will look through more of the links we have, but we will need information in that area.

The food health and links will be the same way.

I think that is Bevin actively hanging from the wire - check it out!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

CafePress Logo Wear

The CafePress logo wear looks great!

Whenever the design team finds time, the logo on the cap and the bumper sticker seems small?

I hope others are jumping in on this to overcome any technical hurdles. Can other colors be used? Do we need different sized logos for different items. I remember looking at this earlier and the small items could use a small sized logo, but the shirt needed a 1600 px and the yellow bag needed a 2000 px.

Just trying to blowup a logo creates the jaggies and fuzzines - if you let me know exactly what sizes (the help in the design area tells you) I can help overcome these design snafus. Do transparent full-color PNGs work or do we need to reduce colors for transparent GIF's? Do they recommend a specific transparent background color (bright purple) or specific CLUT?

Techno ABITs - check out the site, designer templates for different items, and help out B. on this - thanks.


I noticed on LinkedIn we have 3 in the group following and 2 outside of the group. Everyone be sure to "friend", "follow", etc. on all our social networks - Mahalo!


More work on "about" images

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Web Work

  • Placed a store link on the main menu
  • Created a store page with link to CafePress
  • Created BASIC food intro page
  • Created BASIC body intro page
  • May change body image later

I placed and wanted to keep short-n-sweet intro words on these pages. I am open for other suggestions regarding the wording.

Food menus and food links are very minimal from what was already contributed.
Body health and body links are also fairly limited. I will create these pages later, but these will be areas we will need more content on.

Hope you like Alana's modeling debut.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

LLA Blog

Reworked title and colors.
Initial description can be changed to whatever you want to say, Bevin

Worked on LLA Blog

  • Added background - non-scrolling.
  • Fooled w/ title logo - it doesn't seem to accept invisible background color, also logo looks too big, otherwise it is only left oriented if small.
  • Will look at other possibilities later.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Web - Live Life Aloha

The web is still a work in progress:

The landing page works and after an 8 sec. wait pulls the home page. It is used for technical timing purposes to measure different connection speeds. One can simply click on "continue".

The about page is in 2 pages.

These are the only 4 pages that work.

The body and food areas will have limited information based upon what we all submitted back in February. I will be needing/looking for more content - hopefully getting more from our blog content.

I think only our Facebook link might be flukey at this point.

I will be working more on the web next week and helping with the blog too.

3 Ways to Tap into The Power of Social Media

Another explanation of things we are doing:
Marketing Tips